Ritwik Joshi's team on ETV Rajasthan
Ritwik Joshi and Vansh Soni on CNBC during Capgemini TechChallange50
Ritwik Joshi's startup Botosynthesis featured on AajTak BOB Aage ki Soch Series
Ritwik Joshi's TED Talk on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Ritwik Joshi is an active member at eChai Community
Ritwik Joshi's startup story covered by VieStories
Different versions of Ritwik Joshi in a single frame

about myself

👋 Welcome to my website. I have been through a lots of advanture and after curating all of them, I have tried to describe myself best on the about page.

But you can always know me better by having a quick conversation.

M o r e I n f o L e t s T a l k